I paid dowry to Charlene’s mother- Boyd

Boyd Mukandawire asserts that despite Charlene Mumba’s tragic passing, she remained his wife until her death, revealing that he had paid dowry to her mother in 2014. However, Charlene’s sister refutes this claim, stating that there was no formal marriage arrangement between them. Boyd expresses shock at this denial, emphasizing that he regarded Charlene as his wife and continued to communicate with her regularly even when she was staying with her mother.

He further discloses his distress upon discovering Charlene’s alleged affair with Rainford Kalaba, whom he considered an elder brother.

Despite this betrayal, Boyd expresses forgiveness and wishes Kalaba a speedy recovery. Boyd also shares his emotional turmoil and explains his absence from Charlene’s funeral, citing family advice and distressing videos of Charlene circulating on social media.

Additionally, he reveals that he has now settled the remaining dowry payment to Charlene’s family.

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